If I were an Earl, Commodore, Crown Prince, or Vice Admiral, I'd be very frustrated with web forms forcing me to select "Mr." Luckily British Airways identified this source of customer frustration and has a very thorough option set for customers to select their title. It's a funny read.
Her Majesty, H R H, or Mrs. Windsor |
Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr, Herr, Monsieur, Hr, Frau, A V
M, Admiraal, Admiral, Air Cdre, Air Commodore, Air Marshal, Air Vice Marshal,
Alderman, Alhaji, Ambassador, Archbishop, Archdeacon, Baron, Barones, Baroness,
Bay, Bayan, Bishop, Brig, Brig Gen, Brig General, Brigadier, Brigadier General,
Brother, Canon, Capt, Captain, Cardinal, Cdr, Chief, Cik, Cmdr, Col, Col Dr,
Colonel, Commandant, Commander, Commissioner, Commodore, Comte, Comtessa,
Congressman, Conseiller, Consul, Conte, Contessa, Corporal, Councillor, Count,
Countess, Crown Prince, Crown Princess, Dame, Datin, Dato, Datuk, Datuk Seri,
Deacon, Deaconess, Dean, Dhr, Dipl Ing, Doctor, Dott, Dott sa, Dr, Dr Ing, Dra,
Drs, Duchess, Duke, Earl, Embajador, Embajadora, En, Encik, Eng, Eur Ing, Exma
Sra, Exmo Sr, F O, Father, First Lieutient, First Officer, Flt Lieut, Flying
Officer, Fr, Frau, Fru, Gen, Generaal, General, Governor, Graaf, Gravin, Group
Captain, Grp Capt, H E, H E Dr, H H, H M, H R H, Hajah, Haji, Hajim, Her
Highness, Her Majesty, Herr, High Chief, His Excellency, His Holiness, His
Majesty, Hon, Hr, HraIng, Ir, Jonkheer, Judge, Justice, Khun Ying, Kolonel,
Lady, Lcda, Lic, Lieut, Lieut Cdr, Lieut Col, Lieut Gen, Lord, M, M L, M R,
Madame, Mademoiselle, Maj Gen, Major, Marchioness, Marquess, Marquis, Marquise,
Marshall, Master, Mevrouw, Miss, Mlle, Mme, Monsieur, Monsignor, Mr, Mrs, Ms,
Mstr, Nti, Pan, Pani, Pastor, President, Prince, Princess, Princesse, Prinses,
Prof, Prof Dr, Prof Sir, Professor, Puan, Puan Sri, Rabbi, Rear Admiral, Rev,
Rev Canon, Rev Dr, Rev Mother, Reverend, Rva, Senator, Senhor, Senhora,
Senhorita, Senor, Senora, Senorita, Sergeant, Sheikh, Sheikha, Sig,Sig na, Sig
ra, Sir, Sister, Sqn Ldr, Sr, Sr D, Sra, Srta, Sultan, Tan Sri, Tan Sri Dato, Tengku, Teuku, Than Puying, The Hon Dr, The
Hon Justice, The Hon Miss, The Hon Mr, The Hon Mrs, The Hon Ms, The Hon Sir, The
RT Hon, The Very Rev, Toh Puan, Tun, Vice Admiral, Viscount, Viscountess, Wg