Friday, October 2, 2015

Book Now To Top Up 2015 Stats

If you aren't sure you'll hit your status goal in 2015, now is the time to book.  Waiting will raise prices and decrease options.
Book Soon or Never See an Upgrade in 2016

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fun Pic

I Love Climbing Stairs to My Seat

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

United Airlines A320 First Class Breakfast

It took into September before I was upgraded and served a meal.  Life is rough with United selling more and more first class seats.  Tasty breakfast on an A320 to LGA.  Nothing special on it's own, but very special to me.
Eggs and Sausage

Friday, September 25, 2015

Denver Airport Beer Flights - Beer Garden

Munich Airport has an actual beer garden and they have a Lufthansa lounge that is similar to a beer garden. This isn't that.  Denver's Beer Flights program features Colorado micro-brews and is a great way to kill 30-60 minutes outside security (sorry connecting passengers).  There were no Oktoberfest style beers, soft pretzels, or white sausages. Still fun, $10 for a souvenir glass and 10 2oz pours.
Rules of the Game
Airport Drinking That Isn't Cliched
Ad Caught My Eye In Terminal

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fun Photo

Another fun one from my archives.
CRJ-200's Are Better Seen From The Outside

Monday, September 21, 2015

Trip From Bond Villain Island

United's new 787 Dreamliner flies from XXX airport to Houston.  Shhhhh. This isn't on the route map, so don't tell too many people that United is flying a corporate shuttle for a Bond villain.
I Thought We Departed From Denver

Friday, September 18, 2015

Denver Airport Distances

Ever land an wonder if you are in Kansas not Colorado? It happens all the time for me at DEN.  Denver International Airport is one of the largest, by area, airports in the country, so you are right to feel like the taxi distance is absurdly long.  A quick check of a map shows that DEN is completely inside Colorado and Wyoming is the closest state to the airport.
Still Feels Like Kansas